Today’s going to be a long day! Redesigning my room starts today in form of re-painting everything. I actually like painting houses but I think it’s going to take all day, which means no going out to enjoy the beautiful weather. At least I don’t have to do it alone. It’s always more fun when you have someone helping you. If you are interested in how I am painting my apartment, check back in a few days to see the final result.
There isn’t much time this morning since I’m getting right to the painting pots, so I just prepared a quick smoothie for breakfast. I love smoothies because they are delicious (obviously), easy and quick to prepare, and because anyone can make their own creations. I went for strawberries, kiwi, and orange juice today. Just put it all in the blender and I was ready to enjoy! And let me tell you, it’s even more fun if you can enjoy it in a cute glass jar like the one I got from Urban Outfitters (17€) a couple of weeks ago. I just had to buy one after I fell in love with the cute reusable straw that came with it.
What’s your favorite smoothie?
ich glaub deiner wäre mein favorit 😀
Oh i am totally in love with those fruit smoothies as well, they are my favourite drinks. Your DIY is a great idea!! I have to have a mixer one day too. Good luck for your room painting! 🙂
Aaaah diese Gläser suche ich schon überall 😀
Ich mache mir auch jeden Morgen einen Smoothie und abends ab und zu auch wenn ich faul bin zu kochen (dann kommt noch schön Eiweißpulver und Kokosmilch rein, damit ich nicht unterernäht wirke… wenn du verstehst). Bin gespannt wie deine Wohnung dann aussehen wird, ich hab auch bald eine Reihe von Wohnungs-Zeug auf meinem Blog da ich am 01.05. in meine erste eigene(!!!! diesmal keine WG) Wohnung ziehe.
Liebe Grüße